April 2018 Newsletter

April 2018 Newsletter

Dear world wide WOW! Friends, my lovelies … Guess what, I love being in touch. I love writing to you, not to any old somebody, but YOU.  I can feel how the power of loving keeps increasing along with the joy of it! We are connected in Spirit and (even though I...


9 September, 2016 Dear friend, Thanks for visiting my website/blog!  You can subscribe right here for more info as we are just now firming up details for our events (as on the fliers) in Hawaii in Sept, Oct, and Dec/Jan, and in NZ in Nov and Feb/March. In the meantime...

Antion & Elandra July update

Antion & Elandra Newsletter, July 2015 My worldwide friends, Aloha Greetings from Maui! ‘BACK HOME’ JOY… Here we are in Maui staying for the month with a dear longtime friend (over 40 years) in beautiful Huelo with ocean view and glorious jungle all...

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