A Little History about Elandra

Elandra has been practicing and teaching a wide range of healing arts for over 25 years.
Massage Therapy Certification, Mueller College of Holistic Studies, 1988
Yoga 3HO Instructor 1972 –
Director, Kundalini Yoga Center San Diego (Ashram & Teacher Training) 1976 – 1993
Massage/Physical/Healing Therapist, San Diego Stress Relief Clinic, 1989 -1992
Massage Therapist American Holistic Center, 1993 -1994
Co-Founder, Co-Director, Childbirth Teacher, Midwife, Institute of Prepared Birthing & Mothering 1978 – 1984
Co-Author “Yoga for Health & Healing”
Designer/Leader Retreats/Workshops: Yoga, Healing, Women’s, in Hawaii, California, New Zealand
Co-Creator Workshops & Events:
Sound Healing, Sound Celebration, Sacred Chant
Healing/Massage Therapist, Colon Hydrotherapist, Kaua`i Center for Holistic Medicine & Research, 1999
Somebody asks me,
“I am curious….if existence asked it of you, would you go into a role of guru, leader, teacher? Clearly you are a teacher, guru, leader etc but very humbly….but if you were guided to that role, in a larger, more globally seen sense would you go? to speak from that platform?”
I answer, “Even though I have multitudes of qualifications, masses of trainings under my belt, spent four decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars; received scores of initiatory shamanic experiences, plus giving thousands of sessions (sometimes instant ‘miracle’ healings) internationally in numerous clinics with medical professionals, I do not need to be a somebody. Not a guru, teacher, leader, celebrity or anybody special! Been there done that. The only thing that makes any of us special is living in love and kindness (without leaving self out). Living in authenticity, honesty, transparency, and loving is the greatest miracle, the highest qualification, and the most valuable achievement! Oooh, being a nobody is delicious! Easier to love all of you, I love you all!
Elandra’s Certifications and Studies Include:
- Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Healing
- Pranic Healing Level 2
- Cranial-Sacral
- Reiki Master Teacher,
- Hypnotherapy Level 2
- Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Chi Level 3
- Brennan Hands of Light Energy Healing,
- Healing Touch, Level 2B
- Thai Massage
- Sound Healing: S. Edwards, J. Goldman, W. Perry
Email me any time
and we’ll create a time to talk.
Waves of Aloha love and blessings,
Some of Elandra’s Videos
Kundalini Chi Yoga, brief light-hearted demo of “cat stretch”, valuable for overall daily maintenance, meridian self-loving energy flow, kidneys/ life force/back pain.
Kundalini Chi Yoga – Elandra’s own backyard practice filmed humorously by daughter in Seattle backyard.
Barefoot Backyard Running! (Filmed with fun by Pritam and Dan in Seattle backyard) Elandra’s daily practice, valuable for grounding and health maintenance.
Interview at Tao Congress Retreat (Thailand) on Elandra’s Ageless Living experience with Tao plus 40 years Kundalini Yoga.

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Elandra’s Story
Elandra is an actress-model-movie-star turned international shamanic healer, health and healing professional, and presenter in the fields of consciousness, yoga, health, healing and more. She tells her story in her book From Stardom to Wisdom: Healing and Love Beyond the Spotlight.
“A rich journey of passion, devotion, music and love, their story is a fascinating insight into the lives of two extraordinary people. Was it music or love? Was it the challenge of change or the mystery of the unknown? What unfolds are inspirational inner and outer journeys; the courage to make difficult changes; giving up fame and fortune to follow the challenge of the Heart”. – Michael Weatherhead, Soultrek Films
Available from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Elandra-Kirsten-Meredith/e/B00CB51DN0
“All healing is self-healing, doubt is the enemy, and love is the key”
Elandra Kirsten Meredith, CMT, LMT, BA, is known internationally as a ‘medical intuitive’ healing practitioner, a miracle healer, a yoga and healing teacher with over thirty years’ experience as professional multimodality practitioner in five Healing Centers, practicing over 30 healing modalities. She is founder, director and international teacher trainer of Lomi Chi Holographic Healing and the Online Elandra Health Healing Program.
As a London model and actress she had a spiritual epiphany and abandoned her celebrity lifestyle in favor of yoga teaching and ashram eco-living.
After several decades as director of a Yoga Center, she experienced a miraculous self-healing which catalyzed her true vocation – as a transformational healer presenting trainings worldwide.
Her rich background – from cavorting with the rich and famous in London and being part of the revolution in consciousness in 60s California, plus Yoga ashram eco-community living for 17 years, as director/teacher trainer of a Yoga Centre, directing Childbirth/ Childcare services, followed by 17 years indigenous earth-centered living in Hawaii, has furnished her with multitudes of multicultural and multidimensional perspectives.
Elandra’s remarkable stories of instant/ miracle healing of physical problems are told in her book. One client dying of cancer in all organs was fully healed – after one session – and declared by medical doctors after all tests to be in remission fully resurrected back to life.
She teaches her three principles of healing: “all healing is self-healing, doubt is the enemy, and love is the key”. As a passionate sacred activist she shares in all she does how the current tumultuous struggles of humanity are the very thing that can lead people to a new life and better world.
Although originally from Denmark she is a New Zealander – graduate of Auckland University in three languages – who moved first to London, then California and Hawaii, and is now primarily back in NZ.
Elandra has worldwide connections and an international lifestyle together with her longtime partner Antion Vikram Singh Meredith. They teach workshops, retreats and trainings together such as Sacred Voice, Healing, Kundalini Yoga, Sacred Relationship, Music Concerts, Sacred Chant & Storytelling, all with a vision and purpose of rematriating our world into a higher frequency New Civilization.