Healing Music Chant and Voice by Antion
Healing Hawaiian Goddess Music by Antion
“A masterpiece…impeccably conceived…world class talent…profound mastery…a treasure…truly magnificent…heaven right here on earth…exquisite…utterly soulful…deeply authentic…”chicken skin”…awesome…incredible blend…immaculate prescence…remarkable…joy and peace filled…extremely unique…”
One In The Goddess
Antion’s One in the Goddess album is a powerful yet soothing journey into the Heart of the Goddess, drawing from Hawaiian, East Indian and American traditions. It is created with an artistry that is profoundly beautiful, deeply dimensional and hauntingly touching. Remarkable in its clarity and intensity, this spiritually healing and uplifting album has that quality of immaculate presence that you know comes from years of spiritual discipline and devotion.
1. Kamali’i O Ka Po (Child of the Night) Oli (Chant)
by Frank Kawaikapuokalani Hewitt, additional oli by Blaine Kamalani Kia
2. Kamali’i O Ka Po (Child of the Night) Mele (Song)
by Frank Kawaikapuokalani Hewitt and Blaine Kamalani Kia
3. E Ku’u Aloha (Oh My Love)
by Frank Kawaikapuokalani Hewitt and Blaine Kamalani Kia
4. Shakti Ma
by Divya Prabhu
5. Kahea U’ilani (The Call of the Heavens)
by Barry Flanagan, Hawaiian translation by Ki’ope Raymond
6. One in the Goddess
by Antion
7. Prayer of St. Francis
(Dedicated to the memory of Singh Kaur) Traditional, arr. Singh Kaur
8. Kali Durga
Traditional, arr. Antion
9. Kamali’i O Ka Po Remix
by Frank Kawaikapuokalani Hewitt and Blaine Kamalani Kia
10. Love, Serve and Remember
by John Astin
11. Ke Lei Mai La
by Frank Kawaikapuokalani Hewitt
Live On Kauai: Songs of Love, Healing, and Blessing
Antion’s Live on Kauai : Songs of Love, Healing and Blessing album carries the sound current of Aloha. It is wonderfully sweet and healing, yet incredibly potently powerful with words and energies of support and blessing. Some say that here in Hawai’i lives the ancient Motherland, land of Mu, and that the Hawaiian language brings us closest to its source…you can feel the resonance for healing, loving, bringing you home to yourself…
1. These Islands
2. Ka Wai Lehua
3. Pua Hone
4. Ku Au E Hele
5. Kamalani
6. Hopoe
7. Limahuli
8. Pohaku
9. Na Pali Outlaw
10. Hi’ilawe
11. Ku’u Home ‘O Kahalu’u
What people are saying about Antion’s music
“Greetings! I have just listened to your CD: thank you. Remarkable Clarity and intensity. Your singing and music is uplifting, and has that quality of immaculate presence that I know can only come from years of spiritual discipline and devotion…”
“Hello. I am trying to find the source for Antion’s incredible music. I have been just diagnosed with breast cancer and was completing the task of calling my loved ones to tell them of the battle that I will be taking. I was listening to my cable’s “SoundScapes” music channel . With tears rolling down my cheeks, I heard a piece from an album from “Antion”. I caught only part of the title of the piece and none of the album’s, but hearing it, I closed my eyes and felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I am Unitarian and do yoga and have many musical pieces here that I cherish and use continually–yet, I have never experienced a piece of music that affected me the same way on first hearing. I would love to know of all his works…”
“I’ve listened to “One in the Goddess” about 3 times today. I’d have to say that it is rare for me because I’m often quick to judge a CD and need to move on to the next one (as I am behind with reviews)… but this one needed more attention. It is a very interesting recording. I find it to be extremely unique and pleasing to the ear…” “Antion’s voice, the melodies, words, and meanings all invite profound transformation. You hear chants and songs that are calls to awakening, to blessing, to harmony and forgiveness, to finding your rightful place in this world, to bringing the feminine energy back into balance on this planet. This is sound current inviting oneness of matter, body and spirit, holding a vibration that catalyzes healing, changing, transforming and reforming to the core, to complete DNA molecular restructuring. Everybody who hears this music during my treatments loves it, and many are having amazing experiences. I gave a treatment to one whose cancer had spread into every organ, he was weak, pale, thin, dying. Two weeks later tests proved he was in complete remission, no cancer to be found! Since I have been using this music for every session my healing work has taken a giant leap, causing me to be invited to travel and teach around the world”.
Elandra Kirsten Meredith, Antion’s wife of over 30 years
“Antion has produced a masterpiece that will touch you deeply. “One in The Goddess” is Antion’s gift of Love and Joy to us all. ‘Magnificent Treasure’ is how I am best able to describe this beautiful offering. He has held nothing back and it is so very plain to see/hear/feel. that this is a testament to his profound musical mastery. The performances are impeccably conceived and resplendent with lush vocal harmonies, masterful instrumentals, and of course, Antion’s beautiful singing. It might be nice to put a label like, “The Voice of Kaua’i”, on this CD, but Antion has shown, with this offering, that he is truly a “world class” talent.”
Robert Pearson, EMF Balancing
“I JUST LOVE IT!!! it’s sooo beautiful and I could just play it all day long… I would feel very honored to have a copy… it’s a treasure from the universe… I absolutely love it and I want to thank you for bringing forth such beautiful waves of harmony and deepness… it’s a gift from Heaven… It gives me the feeling that Heaven is right here on Earth…”
Gloria Excelsias, Los Angeles
“I have used your CD for 2 months now, and what’s happening is that every single person who has received a massage with the music has had an awesome experience and fallen in love with both my work and the music!”
Saharah Dyson, Retreat Center Director
“Antion, this music is ineluctably lovely! your voice, the harmonies, your obviously deep-felt spiritual heart that shines right on through every song, its beautifully melodic focus —-makes for an album that shimmers with the magical energies of the goddess universe.”
Diane Sward Rapaport – author of “How to make & sell your own Recording”
“Truly magnificent. So exquisite, deep, real and true.”
Solara – visionary and author of “Star Borne, a remembrance for the Awakened Ones” & “11:11”
“The most authentic adaptation of Hawaiian music I’ve ever heard.”
Kit Thomas, Record Producer, VisionSound, Los Angeles
“Before I even heard it, as I received the CD into my hand, I starting experiencing intense ‘chicken skin’ or ‘truth chills’. This lasted non-stop for 3 or 4 minutes!”
Ahna, teacher of Transdance
“Wonderful!” Paul Pearsall, speaker, chanter, author “The Heart’s Code”

This music takes you into the heart frequency of love itself, it is the true sound current of Aloha. It is wonderfully sweet and healing, yet incredibly potently powerful with words and energies of support and blessing. Some say that here in Hawai’i lives the ancient Motherland, land of Mu, and that the Hawaiian language brings us closest to its source…you can feel the resonance for healing, loving, bringing you home to yourself…Lomi Lomi teacher
“I love it! It is wonderful!”
Frank Kawaikapuokalani Hewitt, Kumu Hula , Kahuna, singer songwriter, Chanter, and source of some of the songs and chants on the album.
”I never heard of you before, but somehow ended up on a website while surfing that played bits of your new Goddess CD. I immediately ordered it. I want to let you know that although I have never heard music that felt like this before and I am not a musician, your music touches my soul. I know that your music is expressing for my soul what I was not able to. It brings me peace and joy to listen to your CD.”
“I immediately fell in love with it! .Thank you for giving us the privilege of carrying your CDs. I find deep peace and love shining through your music. Your spirit and love is beautiful to see.”
Linda Lester, President, www.Hawaiianmusicstore.com
“I am a Hawaiian healer, this CD enhances my work extraordinarily! I am finding that it makes people feel safe to relax to heal. And everybody wants to buy it immediately! It is a new form of music, an incredible blend of sounds to soothe and bring home the soul and to help the body heal. I am distributing to Hawaiian stores here in San Diego, California,and they too love it!”
“We were on Kaua’i last week (and wish we were still there!) for heard/saw you at the Caffe Coco. My partner David was especially moved by your mele and Daphne’s hula about the outlaw and thought about the story as we hiked into and looked down on the valley.We both felt that the evening of mele and hula you presented was the most soulful we experienced by far (in addition to the kumu hula at the workshop, of course). As you probably know, Blaine and Kawaikapuokalani were very much a part of the workshop. I was very moved by the whole experience, especially by Kawaikapuokalani, and I am so glad to have more of their music expressed through your beautiful voice. I study hula here in northern California with a group of five other women (no kumu), and one of us had just learned a hula to E Ku’u Aloha. I have been listening to the CD almost constantly. Have you recorded or is there a recording of the ballad of the outlaw? Is there any way to get a video of Daphne’s hula?
Mahalo, Annie
Wow!!!!! Thank you sooooo much for your beautiful CD!!! I tell you, we have been looking for beautiful, melodic Hawaiian music for years……this is just what we have been looking for!!! It brings joy to our hearts and it is perfect for our seminars!!! We will be happy to tell everyone about it and give them your contact numbers so they can order it. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Trish and Doug
“I purchased your “One in the Goddess” CD at CSL, and am moved in some Deep place by the power and resonance of your voice. I listened to it for hours on a solo driving trip between Seattle and Banff, Alberta, Canada…”
“I want you to know that I am so grateful for your wonderful presence and so grateful for the work you do to spread divine light in this world. You are truly amazing, thank you for being a part in my life’s journey.