Having arrived here you are already deemed by me, a friend, lifelong if you wish. Those who find and connect with me often say they feel they have “hit the jackpot” or “found a goldmine”. I want you to share in it as well! Any and all of my offerings will be made possible for YOU to partake of. I will never hold your health and healing hostage for money or time!
I and my support team are here for you, we are Ohana, a Hawaiian word that means family, “those who breathe together”. We are all in this together, you will feel it as you read my website, in fact, right now, let’s breathe together. Inhale deeply, hold, one, two, three, deeply, lovingly, exhale, one two three… for yourself and your worldwide like-minded like-hearted, like-souled true family, all connected… blessing you on this your precious day.
ALOHA Love is Awakened Oneness Awareness… Aloha means ‘the joyful sharing of life energy in the present”… so feel it, the love for everyone, especially YOU right now, FEEL it, KNOW it, BELIEVE it… is there any better “call to action”!?
About Elandra & Antion
Elandra and Antion are healers, spiritual teachers, ministers, counselors and yogis, with thirty-five years (married) experience in the Healing field as international leaders of Healing Trainings, Sound Healing, Chanting, Yoga and Spiritual Retreats.
Healing Bodywork
Elandra K. Meredith, CMT, LMT, BA: healer, medical intuitive, author, minister, yogi, spiritual consultant, has over twenty five years experience as professional multimodality practitioner in five Healing Centers, and is founder and international trainer of Lomi Chi Holographic Healing, Holographic Fifth Chakra Healing, Yoga and Goddess Embodies Retreats.
Goddess Workshops
Empowerment Workshop for Women: Embracing Immortality, Rejuvenation, and Sexual Energy, with Elandra K. Meredith, LMT.

CDs and Books
Learn more about Antion’s inspiring and healing music, and Elandra’s life and healing journey.
Healing Hawaiian Retreats
A new Hawaii experience: A five day immersion in Sacred Sites and Sounds like no other to grant that which is longed for – the sense of coming home to True Home Within.
We, Antion and Elandra, have been minister/celebrants together, as husband and wife, for 28 years. In 1993, we came to live on Kauai, the Garden Island, with its spectacular scenery and sacred healing energy. Here, we have lovingly developed our own format for magical Hawaiian style weddings.
Lomi Chi Healing Training
International healing practitioner, teacher and author Elandra developed and founded this work after having experienced a vision of a new form of bodywork, and also in answer to her passionate question: What can I do to help my clients heal, reform and transform most efficiently in the shortest amount of time?
A new Graphic Video History of Antion

I am feeling very happy to share true story of British Musician who was playing Guitar and Piano with many groups including The Animals, The Echoes, Brian Auger and the Trinity, Johnny Hallyday and Eric Burdon. He became a rock musician, best known as the lead guitarist with Eric Burdon and The Animals during the 1966-1968 period. Currently plays classical Indian and Hawaiian music.
In London he found a giani, Giani Joginder Singh Sarl, who agreed to teach him Gurbani Kirtan. As his name was Vic, the Giani suggested he call himself Vickram Singh.It wasn’t long before he realized that he would need to learn to read Panjabi and in particular the script or alphabet that the Guru Granth Sahib is written in, Gurmukhi. Briggs currently goes by the name Antion and plays Hawaiian chant music.
Elandra Kirsten Meredith, BA, LMT, CMT, HB
– Founder Director Lomi Chi Chakra Healing Sessions & Trainings
– Online Sessions & Self-Healing Training Program
– Living Love Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
– Author: “From Stardom to Wisdom: Healing and Love Beyond the Spotlight”
Find this and other books here
Email: elandra@healthhealing.org
Call via Skype: elandra.meredith
or +1 206 701 6609