FM104.6 Interview!

FM104.6 Interview!

WOW! Walking Our Wisdom Interview With: Elandra Meredith, Bill & Heidi Watson & Michael Fleck GreenplanetFM104.6  interview runs 1st of March  8-9am, for 7 days, and any time can listen on the Greenplanet website.

Time to heal.

(hover mouse over slide show to pause) [wowslider id=”2″] WOW! Walking Our Wisdom Conference and Celebration Equinox 17-18th March, 2012, at Kawai Purapura , Albany With seminars, panels, forums, eco transition training, focus groups (for sharing and...
Global Health Clinic Featuring Elandra and Antion

Global Health Clinic Featuring Elandra and Antion

Where: GreenplanetFM 104.6 When: Thur 8-9am 1 December 2011 Topic: Antion and Elandra Meridith Healing and Sound How do we use our voice as an instrument to self transformation? What do sound vibrations do for the human body, our DNA and memory? Elandra, early in life...

New Spirit Festival

THE SACRED VOICE: Secrets of The Yoga of Sound.  Within everyone is a voice that may have been suppressed or shamed. Rediscover & nurture your unique joyous sacred voice through song, chant & empowered communication.  Antion & Elandra Meredith For more...

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