Who is Elandra? Who am I? One day I felt inspired by the word “Unstoppable”. And even more, the words “UNSTOPPABLE FORCE FOR GOOD” stirred my soul… Why? Perhaps it is who I really am… or aspire to be… because what else is there? And so I decided to stop everything and answer this compelling question: “If you were unstoppable in your life and business and vision, what would become possible for you?” And so as I do this, I invite you to do the same…

So, if I were unstoppable in my life and work, what would become possible for me?

The real reason I am (com) passionately driven to practice and teach Yoga is really beyond Yoga as something you do. It’s about consciousness that involves the whole planet, our Beloved Earth, and everything that calls for congruency, alignment and harmony. To serve and support the whole, I am practicing Yoga to work on – I am inspired by these words – becoming AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE FOR GOOD.

So I ask myself: “Elandra, if you were unstoppable in your life (work, yoga) – what would become possible for you”? And I answer myself:

  • To be truly an unstoppable force for good, I would have to believe that I am.
  • To truly believe that I am, I would have to be …love.
  • To be Love, I would have to FEEL it and know it through and through, in every cell.
  • To KNOW that I am LOVE, I would have to value feeling, heart above intellectual knowledge, head stuff.
  • To LIVE that I would have to be fearless.

To be truly fearless I would have to have a mind and body in full congruency. I would have to be fully healed and fully believing. Well, if not fully, then, say, 90%.

To be sufficiently healed to be unstoppable I would have to have a consciousness that is 85-95% conscious (instead of the average human being who is 5% conscious and 95% unconscious).

This conscious consciousness would have to be in 100% INTENT to commit, resulting in a high degree of developed coherence and congruity, impeccability and integrity.

I would have to be committed to a 24/7 witnessing observation of my mind. I would be absolutely fearless, calm, neutral, and even nonchalant in the face of anything and everything that tries to stop me, from both inside me and outside me.

I would have to be vigilant and fierce like a highly trained warrior, watching over my own consciousness. I would be non-negotiable in my committed powerful purity of intent. I would be unflinching and unwavering in the face of my own unconscious mind-controlled-programmed psyche, as well as the internalized negative voice(s) of the internalized collective psychosis of humanity. No amount of sneaky trickery, no sabotage, from the betrayer, seducer, voices of the ego’s inner critic, “gremlin”, and “dark forces” “thought forms”, entities, “wetiko” or “e’epa” (Hawaiian) could cause me to waver in the fierceness of my resolve.

In the face of attack, scorn, accusations and collusion against me I would be unattached, even loving. The multitudes of tests that I have undergone and overcome already in my “hero’s journey” through criticism and attack, and fears, as well as lifetimes of dying countless deaths through sadistic torture – (played out in my movies getting burnt at the stake, throat slit, eaten alive etc.) -well, enough, boring.

Okay, so I am already tried tested and true…however, I would need to be especially watchful for something. It is huge and self-deluding, and the bane of we “cultural creatives” “new agers”, self-healers and self-improvers. Because of the passion to do well, our focus on loving kindness and positivity, we can get trapped in – denial. Denial of what is scary – the truth. The negative truth! You know, the belief, “If I focus there I will attract more!” This form of denial is called “normalcy bias”. For us positive thinking new agers, it is called “spiritual bypassing”, a form of denial of the truth, a repression of how you really feel. It’s emotional bypassing. It can make you sick; it can even endanger your life.

So, if I were unstoppable in my life and work, what would become possible for me?

With all divine and natural God-given abilities in action, I would be in joyous radiance supporting others in (what I have seen in front of my eyes), miracles of instant healing, instant change. I would be pure in thought, compassion, and love to an (almost) impossible degree.

The intent to be fully truly healed, mind, body, and soul, (of the world’s false programming and conditioning) would give me a psyche/mind/body/being that is to a high degree reclaimed, retrieved, and restored into its original innocence; pure, spontaneous and spiritually empowered within. In seeing the suppressed truth of the (empowered) history of the planet, I would be living the spiritual self that I am, in full knowledge of my divine origins, my memories and abilities.

Then the power to catalyze others to the same consciousness would multiply exponentially. The powers of all known and unknown superhuman abilities would serve this unstoppable force for good. Even if there were worldly feedback coming to me in the form of major tests – that have tripped up many spiritual masters/gurus – such as massive cash flow, celebrity, fame, or even positive face-name recognition, I would be – and would remain – incorruptible.

I would be living my life’s calling: inspiring individuals and communities to connect, gather, catalyze, support and co-create a pure congruent (group) consciousness in deliberate alignment with worldwide communities of countless millions on an Earth-loving world.

A world where true wisdom, honouring nature with minimum footprint and minimum accumulation of stuff are the most valued, where human beings are living as spiritual beings in full remembrance of their power of love, a world where the power of love has transcended the love of power. In communion with a community of millions I would always be in the right place at the right time, being fully supported and living joyously, and supporting everyone to empower themselves to do the same.

Of course every breath and moment of my life would be off the chart health-giving- FUN! And when the time came I would leave my body consciously with a huge partying internet send-off from everyone – all of you! my worldwide friends, knowing I have fulfilled my FULL POTENTIAL in all the ways that truly matter, and can live and carry this joy with me eternally through all time.

With Love …

We, Antion and I – now 46 years married – wherever we go we love  sharing LOVE as AWAKENED ONENESS AWARENESS, with Yoga, Sacred Voice, Sacred Sites, Sacred Relationship, Healing, Love, Nature, Community, Transformation, Goddess, Love, Joy, and yay, Hugging!

Click here for Antion’s music in Kauai https://www.heartbeatofkauai.com/ads/antion-a-star-in-3-cultures-inspirational-music-with-bryn-and-jivan-hula-dance/

Click here for  Elandra Health Healing Lomi Chi  Chakra  Sessions & Training https://www.heartbeatofkauai.com/ads/elandra-health-healing-lomi-chi-chakra-sessions-trainings/  

Click here for Elandra Lomi Chi 5th Chakra Support Grouphttps://www.heartbeatofkauai.com/ads/grief-loss-pain-release-soul-retrieval-mentoring-support-group/

Click here for Elandra & Antion’s “Kundalini Yoga at Kilauea Market” with Live Music, Naad Mantra Meditation https://www.heartbeatofkauai.com/ads/kundalini-yoga-at-kilauea-market/

And more fun links: Click Here for Elandra’s books On Amazonhttp://www.amazon.com/Elandra-Kirsten-Meredith/e/B00CB51DN0)

Click here for TVNZ3’s Interview Antion & Elandra  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZX2VAyQ4gE