1. Medical Diagnosis for Antion, “Cancer Stage 4. Incurable. Terminal.”
2. Release of Antion’s new REVOLUTIONARY LIFE CHANGING Kirtan album
3. Our 49th Wedding Anniversary May 11th

I like that my Beloved husband Antion Vikram Singh Meredith posts on Facebook:

Let me be VERY clear. I have NOT been ‘given’ 6 months. I have no interest in bullshit medical diagnoses. The doctor said, “the normal life expectancy in cases like this is 6 months”. I do NOT accept that for myself. I am not normal and I am without fear in this situation. I have already started on alternative treatments and will be expanding. My energy is growing day by day as I feel the self-healing treatments taking effect. My life is, of course, in the hands of Guru Nanak. I happen to believe that he wants me to stick around a while longer.

When the surgeon was announcing, “Stage 4 cancer. Terminal. Incurable. Usually gone in 6 months”, I was thinking, ‘Ha, by ‘gone’ he means ‘dead’, but me being me, I am hearing ‘gone’ as meaning, – cancer gone!’ Because already I am reflecting – as I always do, haha – that our human lives are creating a story, and every good story has high drama, that’s the fun.

This is a story that ends with a miracle healing, of course, because as we know, life is all about transformation. Clearly for us, it’s about choosing and committing to living a life of faith… faith in Divinity, the Sacred, the Infinite Creator. It’s about feeling the reality of Love of Life, Love of God. It’s about the ongoing focus on healing our trauma and false beliefs in fear, to engender love of ourselves as part of the creation… ha, what else is there.

And so we are in good spirits. Antion has a little more energy, from water fasting for a few days, and we are being inspired by watching some of the many stories of people who have healed cancer naturally and are talking about how they did it, at “The Truth About Cancer” Summits. Plus good reminders of the many supplements to take, juicing and much much more.

For 50 years our lives have been devoted to raising consciousness in ourselves and the world, with clean healthy living and loving, so we know a bit about healing. We know about healing miracles too, as my own badly broken ankle was made whole in one day proven by before and after X-rays. We know about the power of catalyzing “miracle” self-healing in others, having seen in front of my eyes a client dying with cancer in all organs come back to life fully healed, proven 10 days later by all tests. Of course, haha, this sounds so ludicrous that most eyes glaze over (as they either walk out, or choose to agree with my mother’s conviction that her daughter must be lying) …never mind, that’s okay, understandable… Because it seems truly unbelievable unless you are open to actually experience it in 3rd dimensional reality simultaneously , when it is a miracle from another dimension.

Mmm, of course, Antion’s divinely inspired CD, “One in the Goddess” was holding space, holding the field, filling the room…as always during my multitudes of sessions.

And we know about the power of love, the power of prayer, the power of holding faith. We have had rather a lot of healthy friends die already, and others recover and still going. So we are ready for anything.

We are enjoying our timed regimen of dancing salsa, lifting weights, chi gung, tai chi, yoga, cane kung fu, walking on the beach, sunbathing, meditating, journal writing, self-healing exercises, and recording everything we are doing.

Knowing the power of love and gratitude, we are sending out this announcement to our large community of beloved friends inviting prayer, and thanking you for your most precious highly valued love and support, will be in touch, (but perhaps not able to respond to all messages – even though really want to).

Loving you! Blessings!

In Joy,

with – Heartbreaking – Gratitude!

Elandra & Antion

PS. The release of Antion’s amazing new Kirtan album! See –

You can order here:

Okay, I just have to rave about this music, and the amazing work done by our cocreator, longtime friend and brother, Liv Singh of Invincible Recording in Phoenix, (producer of Antion’s magnificent miracle making healing CD “One in the Goddess”). IMO, this MUSIC IS POWERFUL SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY, LIKE NOTHING ELSE EVER CREATED! JOY FILLED, brilliant, fantastic, the frequency recalibrates the Pineal gland to STRONGLY RECONNECT to SOUL SOURCE, to YOUR OWN INTUITION, SELF-SOVEREIGNTY, and KNOWINGNESS. YOU FEEL SO CONGRUENT, SO HIGH! It’s an ANTIDOTE to the pain of the times – and who knows, maybe even – ALL TIMES…

See you at our Golden Wedding celebrations taking place all year, next year, 2022.

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