SEASON’S GREETINGS! Happy Solstice dear friends,
Right now Antion is in Kauai andI in NZ. Here I am – just like last year – in the mode of –
DECLUTTER! Making room for the new… Intention to free myself from clutterholism on all levels, to clear, clean and cleanse my life and body of the effects of a lifetime of accumulated challenges and losses…sentimental stuff that tugs at my heart and soul…journals, healing notes… and mind clutter too. Not easy for me. And there’s “death clearing”, look it up, deciding what to do with stuff that your grown kids don’t want. If you are into doing this and need help, let me know. It’s like a healing session, grieving while letting go and simultaneously healing and rejoicing. One key is to love empty clear space more than filled space… and it’s like healing the body too, so that doing it may heal your body! In fact…
MY HEALING WORK is (as my story of the tree – whose branches I was pruning – revealed to me), chopping off the old to make room for the new… is what I do… so eventhough we may feel, I’m afraid to let go of my clutter because I don’t want to feel the emotions underneath… I can, and you can…because YOU CAN find your voice, speak your truth, honor your feelings, heal on all levels… if you want help email me Elandra@healthhealing.org
SOLSTICE! Longest day here in NZ, now 9pm and still light. An opportunity, a time for major life review, reassessment of life, recapitulation. A time to remember and honor the power of Nature and the Cosmos. And most of all, celebration of the NOW. You can draw upon the Energy, 10 days before and after 21st December. And Super absorb it through the elements, the Air and Water, while Loving self by Conscious Fasting, Earthing with bare feet on Mother Earth, and raising your EMF Voltage through conscious breathing and meditation – all which activates, heals and transforms your pineal, nervous system and brain. I’m on it, yay!
MY BOOK (Ebook version ) IS FREE onamazon for a week
One of many 5 star reviews: “Reads like a novel but has the authority of holy scripture”.
THE ZEN HOUSE! Doi Saket, Chiang Mai, Thailand! www.zenhousethailand.com
Since my arrival in Thailand this year I have experienced an amazing collaboration with David Dakan Allison that has resulted in my longtime dream of manifesting (and birthing and opening) a center for healing support. Created and maintained beautifully by Dakan, who lives there, Zen House Healing Sanctuary and headquarters is now open for fun filled classes, fantastic retreats, fabulous massage, meditation, yoga, Ajna Light sessions, Life Coaching, #metoo abuse support and counseling, plus medical tourism guidance and more, all in a peaceful loving space. You can email me Elandra@healthhealing.org , and for a personal Zen House Healing Homestay Retreat contact Dakan David@zenhousethailand.com at any time.
Thailand is a place of affordable highest quality healing and massage, food, dentistry andmedical, and is a greatly valued and popular destination for its superb dental and medical tourism (at a fraction of the cost you are used to). If you have a need for specific health support we are set up for everything you need.
Doi Saket is 10km from Chiang Mai, in a part of the world that feels wonderfully safe, quiet, and peaceful, near nature, with clean air and water. From the Zen House you can enjoy a ten minute walk to a quiet 116 acre Botanical garden with organic restaurants, you can exercise by walking and biking for miles, you are close to numerous hot spring spas, salt water swimming, temples, a river, kin community, beautiful retreat centers and easy travel into town for shopping, musicand dance.
WEBSITE & FACEBOOK You can read more about it at www.zenhousethailand.com. On Facebook we have a Zen House page as well as a group, and you can learn more about the joys of Chiang Mai on Elandra’s group: “Wow! Worlds of Wisdom Ageless Living Super Health Rejuvenation Retreats”.
OUR SCHEDULE 2018 We will be in New Zealand in January through April, Kauai andMaui in May, and in Thailand June to November, with Antion being there part of the time.
I miss you, can’t wait to see you, in fact getting together with you is on my bucket list! More info coming in the New Year, teachings, dates for retreats and for now,
Happy New Year! Blessings, Big Loveand Hugs!
PS. Have lots of interviews, here is one you will enjoy over the holidays
Always love to hear from you…
In Joy,