An unexpected opportunity to connect with you is being forced on me due to being hacked, so I will turn this into a bit of a newsletter! So sorry for the false email you may have received from my email address today.   A bit of unfamiliar drama this morning, waking up to many kind emails to make sure I knew I was hacked.  Much appreciation to everybody, and hey, a great opportunity to say, I love you, and send my best wishes love and blessings!

Looks like somebody changed my password at 4am this morning. I’ve seen these spam scam  emails   before,  the now familiar spam scam that asks for help,  money, says person is traveling and has been robbed… or someone has died leaving you money etc. Friends have had this hacking  happen, but  happening   to me?!   a shock,  a violation.

Some sincerely are concerned, and some  are offering to send me money! Oh my, so if I really were in trouble and needed money friends would send it!?  how sweet, wow!

Some are sending joking messages such as this , “ Oh No, you are such good friends I decided to send $50,000.00 feeling like a mere $2,500.00 was not enough….. seems I have been tricked! Oh well, it’s only money, good friends are worth every cent!”

It may take some days to get sorted out,  it was the address, so I am glad I have my yahoo as well, obviously safer to have several alternative email addresses, as well as fb. And now I am forced to update my contacts on this email list as well, what a blessing to (possibly) hear back from  you…

Antion and I are “back” “home” in Kauai, HI, staying for a month or 2 in the perfect warmth, having a wonderful time seeing old friends. Between our many Ohana transformational communities –  yoga,  hula, healing, Lomi lomi, goddess, chanting, plumbing, music gigs, radio station,  CDs, we know a lot of dear souls!

We are staying right on Baby beach, Kapa’a, just 38 paces from the water. Yesterday  we enjoyed 2 endangered monk seals (in all there are only about 35 in Kauai, and 1100 in Hawaii) resting  on our beach for a half day.

Living Love Kundalini Yoga, Naad Yoga Sacred Voice,  WOW Walking Our Wisdom, and WOW Wildly Organic Women.

In New Zealand we were teaching at an international Yoga festival,  the media called us “the animal, the vampire and a love story” – there’s  an amusing  NZ TV interview, it’s only about 2 minutes long and well done, see  click on  top left on  Love, Yoga and Vampires – Video Spotlight

Aloha Love and blessings to all,


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