Event Calendar
March, April.
Goddess Workshops
With Elandra
Empowering Women to Embrace Immortality and Rejuvenation.
The workshops include information, handouts, demonstration, sharing, and discussion.
Sundays, 6pm.
All welcome.
Divinely Uplifing Joyous Kirtan for Westerners
with Antion Vikram Singh
All welcome!
- Sacred singalong healing music
- Participatory chanting with words and interpretations
- Inspirational talk
- Transformational meditation
- Personal sharing time
Informal and user-friendly includes at this time head coverings, masks, and distancing.
About Antion Vikram Singh:
If you have: cough, fever, tiredness, difficulty breathing (severe cases), please self-quarantine yourself and not attend.
Dates to be announced
Healing the Inner Selves: Multidimensional Emotional Healing in Challenging Times
This workshop is based on emotional healing techniques developed separately by Elandra and Antion, and together for the past 40 years. Full details Here.
Sundays, 6.00-7.00pm.
March, April.
Sikh Sacred Kirtan from a 500 year Mystical Tradition with Antion Vikram Singh
Aloha friends! We are at our beloved Red Beach, inspired to be presenting Sikh Sacred Gurbani Kirtan.
Antion, originally known as Vic Briggs, was a touring 60s rock star when his soul’s longing called him to turn to yoga and delve deep into the sacred teachings of Nada Brahma – the Yoga of Sound. His interest in Mantra and Shastriya Sangeet (Indian Classical music), led him to mastery of this hitherto secret tradition, and in 1979, he broke tradition by becoming the first non-Indian to sing in the Golden Temple, the most sacred shrine of the Sikhs in Amritsar, India. Known as Vikram Singh, (‘invincible lion of courage’) Antion became adept at both singing and interpreting Gurbani Kirtan, the sacred music originated by the miracle-manifesting Guru Nanak.
As a recognized authority and spiritual teacher Antion now has traveled all over the world to teach and sing about Naad Yoga, (yoga of sound) Naam (the frequency of the Divine), Simran (repetition of the Divine Name), and Shabad (the Divine Word that manifests as Gurbani as well as the spiritual force that is Guru). Later when Antion studied Hawaiian mele (song, music) and oli (sacred chant) bringing him to an even deeper understanding of how the voice can create the power of Aloha (on-going, living love), he was recognized and honored with invitations to perform the sacred ‘oli’ chant for the Hawaiian governor, and for an international Chant competition.
As an expert in not one but two sacred traditions, his life (teachings, sessions, concerts, workshops, music recordings) are about sharing the use of Sacred Sound and Sacred Voice to become one with the Divine, in the context of the essential message of both cultures, to engender the core Oneness of all people and denominations, including honoring and respect of women, and equality for women, and the healing, helping and feeding people with love. For more information, see Antion’s website.
Dates to be arranged.
February, March, April
Workshops, Sessions, Talks
With Elandra
Can be scheduled upon request.
Change Your Brain Change Your Life
5th Chakra Holographic Healing
Living Love Kundalini Yoga
The Power of Lasting Love in Committed Relationship
Sacred Voice Sound Celebration for Empowerment
Women’s Goddess Unleashed & Embodied
Hawaiian Islands

Above: Elandra with Michael Fleck & Osher, co-navigators of the upcoming Sacred Journey to Hawaii
This is not a commercial tour package with in-built profits.
We gather and journey as a family of friends (ohana, whanau). We share costs of accommodation and ground transport. Whenever possible, we share food together, from available markets and healthy shops or restaurants.
You may join our group at any time between June 9 and 27, and depart sooner or later.
Hawai’i 2021
The Sacred Journey of Sovereignty
O’ahu * Kaua’i * Maui * Big Island Hawai’i
Coinciding with the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts
Since 1976, 27 Pacific Island nations (of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia) have taken turns hosting – every four years in a different member nation – a 10-day festival, celebrating each nation’s finest dancers, musicians, craftspeople, foods, arts and culture. 2020 is Hawaii’s turn to host.
Oahu Festival of Pacific Arts, Honolulu; Bishop Museum; Hanaumu Bay Marine Reserve; Sound Healing Journey; Diamond Head Market.
Kaua’i Sacred Chant and Dance; Ke’e ancient Hula platform; Hindu temple crystal; Garden Ponds sanctuary; Waimea Canyon.
Maui 21st Maui Film Festival; Waihe’e ancient navigators’ site; Kahakaloa sculpture sanctuary; Iao Valley; Haleakala crater * Hana rainforest * Kipahulu pools; Talking Hearts circle.
Hawai’i (Big Island) Solstice Meditation/Dolphin Connection with Joan Ocean; KipukaMaluhia Sanctuary; Paleaku Gardens; Place of Refuge ancient temple; Wood Valley Temple/Retreat; Kilauea Volcano & Garden Arts; Kalapana lava coast; ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center; Solidarity with Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement; Akaka Falls; Waipio Valley (womb of Polynesia); Pu’ukohola sacred pyramid.
The spirit of our journey aligns with the theme of the Festival:
“E Kū i Ka Hoe Uli; a e Kohi i Ka Pale Kai”
“Take Hold of the Steering Paddle and Press it Against the Boat’s Side” (Steer free; steer your own course)
Together with residents and natives of Hawai’i, we will explore:
* Sovereignty — Personal and Indigenous
* Ancient Navigation — Solar, Stellar and Inner GPS
* “Earth Island” Eco-Awareness
* Cultures of Oceania
International Airfares
Purchase as soon as possible for lower fares. Air New Zealand sometimes offers return flights — Auckland to Honolulu — for less than NZ$600. Check daily at: Cheap Flights with Air New Zealand’s Grabaseat – home of cheap airfares and travel packages
Low fares are frequent from the West Coast of the USA to Honolulu. All costs below are in US dollars.
Arrive in Honolulu on June 9 or 10.
The Festival opens on June 10.
You will be warmly greeted, and guided to your accommodation.
Domestic Airfares
Inter-island flights are best purchased early for lower fares, and would then be less than US$100 per flight. Hawaiian Airlines is the main carrier between Honolulu and Kaua’i, and between Kaua’i and Maui.
We depart Honolulu for Kaua’i. (You may of course remain in Honolulu to enjoy more days at the Festival.)
We depart Kaua’i for Maui.
We will aim to travel together on Mokulele Air (small 10-seat planes) from Maui to Kona on the Big Island (Hawai’i), for approximately $70 each. (You may of course choose Hawaiian Air for this flight if you prefer.) You may choose to return from the Big Island to Honolulu from either Kona or Hilo on the Big Island on
Hawaiian Airlines.
Island ground travel via Mini-Van — Approx. US$110 per person on O’ahu, Kaua’i and Maui; on the Big Island: approx. $220 per person.
In Honolulu, you may choose to arrange an Air B&B for yourself and partner or friends, or ask me to book you into either the Central YMCA ($60/night) on a twin-share basis, or the Seaview Road Hostel in Manoa Valley ($30/night, twin share or dorm).
On Kaua’i, we are at the Coral Reef Hotel ($75-100/night depending on room choice)
On Maui, we are at Hale Akua Gardens & Eco-Retreat in a coastal rainforest ($110-150/night depending on room choice)
On the Big Island, we are at several different lodgings as we move around the island:
Manago Hotel, South Kona $40/night
Wood Valley Tibetan Retreat $58-85/night
Kalani Eco-Retreat OR Hilo Bay Hostel $40-90/night
Kamuela Inn, Waimea $70-100/night
Allow $30 to $50 per day for meals either purchased collectively (for a shared meal) or individually.
I will update you on fees for Festival events and admissions to places like the Bishop Museum, Kilauea Crater and the Place of Refuge. This will all be included in the detailed itinerary you will receive upon registration.
Koha — a gift from the heart — is offered to guest presenters, elders, artists and healers who share time with us. Sliding scale: $25-50 per person.
Please send me your questions, and expression of interest, as soon as possible, including the type of accommodation you prefer (double, twin, single, hostel dorm) and any food allergies or special requirements.
For your hotel bookings I will need a deposit of US$600 by January 15, 2021. (50% refundable)
I will send you bank transfer details when I receive your confirmation of participation”.
Mahalo nui loa! (Huge thanks!)
Waiheke Island, New Zealand
Ph. +64 9 372 3522
Michael Fleck, your co-navigator, is a NZ resident since 1983. Was a Hawai’i resident for 15 years.
He has led three previous sacred journeys to these islands, and to Rarotonga (1992) as well as many journeys throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
Dear Aloha Friends

We, Antion and I, are on Kauai, in a beautiful place in the little town of Kilauea on the North Shore. It’s the furthest island from the Kilauea volcano, but not far from our minds’ meditating and monitoring the on-going eruption of Kilauea volcano on Moku o Keawe, Hawai’i’s Big Island.
The world watches in awe and unease as it continues unabated, in this isolated volcanic archipelago of Hawai’i which is the geographical center of the entire ‘ring of fire.’ The quantity of magma being conveyed onto the surface is a mindboggling estimated 3 to 6 million cubic meters per day, with a lava fountain maintaining heights of 50 to 100 meters.
The eruption and lava flow has destroyed houses plus many beautiful treasured public areas with hot pools and lake.
What will happen next? What do we make of it and how to make the best of it? I am in wonder remembering how we were initially called to Hawai’i by the magical sights and sounds, the music, the hula, the chant… and how my longtime dream began.
We, Antion and I, moved to Kauai at the beginning of 1993 and right away I had this riveting experience in the library. A book leapt off the shelf at me, opening to these words: “The world will turn to Hawaii as they search for world peace, because Hawaii has the key, and that key is Aloha.”
I read the chant about “living As One, at Home inside, in peace, humility, unity, kindness, acceptance and oneness,” by Pilahi Paki, Kahuna and Wisdom Keeper. I took it as a message, promptly started teaching myself this chant, and within a few years some extraordinary things happened.
One day we, Antion and I (my husband, one time British rock ‘n roll star turned Hawaiian musician/chanter) received a phone call from a Hawaiian woman who was Chairwoman of the Republican Party of Hawaii.
Oh my! We knew enough to know that the idea was outrageous, unheard of, and utterly impossible. We were ‘haoles’ (foreigners, literally ‘without breath’). How could we be invited to chant when we had “no breath”? We were in shock at the very idea. After all, who were we, blonde, blue-eyed Englishman and a Danish-born New Zealander to do such a thing?
Yet it transpired as in her dream. We walked in chanting, through the aisles, to the podium, where Antion led the ‘pule’, prayer, while the Governor of Hawaii and the roomful of some four hundred Kauai leaders leapt to their feet and stood, as if paralyzed, in a long stunned silence…
Afterwards I wondered, how did this Hawaiian woman have the enormous courage to break tradition and protocol? Yet I knew it was destined.
There was a prophecy that the ancient secrets would be so needed for the world’s survival and evolution that traditional hierarchy, color of skin, blood of birth and ancestry of this lifetime were not prerequisites for manifesting an inner and outer world of Aloha consciousness, supported by the sacred chants and learning to live and share … “as One, at Home inside, in peace, humility, unity, kindness, acceptance and oneness.”
Later when I was being interviewed on the radio live, I noticed something new. I was no longer afraid of what might come out of my mouth; I didn’t care what anybody might say or do in reaction.
I found myself teaching Hawaiian chanting, a no-no for almost everybody, but especially me, of non-Hawaiian blood, who therefore fears – who am I – a foreigner ‘haole’, white-skinned blonde, blue-eyed Scandinavian, outsider – to even be chanting sacred ‘oli’, and OMG publically on the radio?
So I chanted –
Akhahai e na Hawaii
Lokahi a ku like
Olu’olu ka mana’o
Ha’aha’a a o kou kulana
Ahonui a lanakila, Aloha e
This oli is about the divine nurturing qualities of Mother Earth the Goddess, the peace that all humanity may and can embody.
The first letter of each line spells as an acronym, A-l-o-h-a, and overall means, “living as one, in peace, humility, and oneness”.
I believe that it was given and is meant for EVERYBODY. The sounds are profoundly sacred, universal; this is international, universal, interplanetary, intergalactic, interstellar cosmic star knowledge and ‘Kaona’ that is needed for our times!
I believe the ancients left within the oral traditions encoded messages with specific application for our present times. I believe that meant to live from the heart, to become ‘one with’ and ‘one with all’, in every cell, with every breath, to live in holographic Knowing.
And to live in acknowledgment and gratitude of those who have gone before, our teachers and ‘kupuna’, ancestors. The doorway opens and closes by this power.
We, Antion and I – 46 years married and teaching together – are all about gathering us to share transformational Yoga, Sacred Music, Mantra, Meditation, Sacred Voice, Sacred Sites, Sacred Relationship, Goddess Healing, Nature, Community, Love, Joy, and yay, Hugging!
Stay in touch, I love to hear from you, but please know that I may not respond for a while (until I get my assistant!)
Waves of Aloha Love and Blessings,
PS. More on Goddess, Sound Healing, Hawaiki and the role of women in the next newsletter and in my new blog coming.
Don’t forget about Elandra’s books
Elandra’s journeys towards healing and empowering each other.