Dearest precious friends,
I feel poignantly vulnerable…My beloved long-time friend died today. The end of my 44 year fun times with her.
Just so you know, I DO KNOW she is fine where she is now, (and who am I to not believe her communication with me, and join in rejoicing with her?) Sometimes dying is the desired healing. Sometimes death is greatly desirable – even if it appears that there is no such idea during the 2 year effort and struggle with cancer to stay healthy and in the body… Even if no one sees that…
But that makes no difference to my missing her!
Last week when I was at a celebration of life with about 300 people, it was so beautiful, so much aloha, such an energy field of heart-opening love, but also oooh, SO MUCH SUPPRESSED GRIEF!
The tension in the air from controlling the grief was such that I just wanted to leap to my feet and call for everyone to break open into one big sob! Into a long wailing wake, or a crying party, like we hear about that they used to do in indigenous ways, Hawaii, Maori, though I’ve never experienced that, has anybody? Have you? Would you like to? Yes, I want a crying party! Just openly feeling together in public, instead of the stiff ol’ upper lip!
Yes, I would be really good at leading this grieving celebration party. You can hire me to lead the crying, haha, it’s my new profession. Hey, we wouldn’t feel any need for alcohol at this party. We’d get high moving energy. Moving energy is healing. No need for antidepressants any more. I’m just as good at leading laughing parties too!
Hey, anyone on antidepressants or have high blood pressure? Call me. Move energy in 10 minutes. Anyone on this my mailing list deserves it. Just call me. We’re in this together. We gotta FEEL openly. It’s easy, it’s joyous. I’m a good guide. NO charge! No money, no holding hostage anyone for money, call me for any help, I’m good at it and it’s quick. Antion is too, call Antion if you feel stuck in any way, 10 mins later, you are a new person, a miracle, easy peasy.
Anyway I am ever more determined to live each day as if it were the last, and as Einstein said, “That’s why I never have any clean laundry, cos c’mon, who wants to do laundry on their last day of life?”
And that’s why I’m always ranting and raving about love. About not holding back from saying “I love you” especially to yourself in the mirror! Yourself is so important, don’t leave self out of your own loving you know? Speak it out loud! And write it out loud, in love letters to yourself! Saying it often does not cheapen it, so tell self and everyone you love them – often!
The more expressed it is the more universal and powerful, agape kind, and every time you say it you light up the world! (Of course sometimes – especially as a single woman – you might have to be aware to take care, actually even I, now in my 7th decade, am sometimes faced with men getting the wrong idea cos I’m so open and loving.)
That’s really the reason I do what I do, I love
Gathering people to raise energy with yoga, singing and dancing,
Sharing inspiration and connecting with worldwide friends
The hugging, the loving, the opening
It’s fun cos no one wants to leave at the end…
It’s for real, not woo woo airy fairy:
I practice loving by cultivating being the Love that I already am.
I practice on myself and my partner, whom I adore through all eternity
Master musician chanter, bard of all bards, voice like an angel, Antion,
44 years married we are making it together,
Feeling our guts in our body and listening to them;
Hearing our Heart speak, and following it;
Setting our sails to Truth,
The wind at our back to Honesty,
Our hearts to the Sacred,
And our Voice to our Feelings.
So that’s why I can rave about love ‘cos I have long experience!
I am planning events/retreats in Kaua’i, Maui and NZ this year, and Honolulu Oahu in January and Chiang Mai Thailand in June onwards 2017.
You can join us any time for these love-based love -imbued personal/group retreats, and get mentoring in these wonderful places. I have made general fliers for now and details will be coming, email me. Love you!
Waves of Love and blessings!