Dear Worldwide Friends,

“You are a Tower whose Radiance is Elixir for all of Eternity” – Eric O’del.

I just found a tiny piece of paper with these scribbled words. Eric O’del is the minister, founder and spiritual leader of the Amazing Grace Spiritual Center in Seattle. The wonderful much loved minister, celebrated Music Director of many churches and events, Eric O’del addressed these words to Antion about 7 years ago. While I, (being Antion’s eternal groupie and loving having his unstoppable disciplined divine commitment recognized), was grabbing pen and paper…

Next weekend is Father’s Day 19th June and we will be with Eric O’del again.
Making divine music. At Eric O’del’s Amazing Grace Spiritual Center. Antion has composed a special song for Father’s Day celebrating his hero father – who died in the war before he was born.

Right now I am in Chiang Mai and Antion is in Kauai. Preparing to travel to meet in Seattle in a few days. We will be there until July 8th enjoying being with our older daughter Pritam, Advanced Athlete Trainer and her partner Eric.

That’s it, too much to say, too busy having fun in Thailand to write more! Love to hear from you, email:, or message me on facebook, and check Eric O’del’s Amazing Grace Spiritual Center website and/or facebook page, Amazing Grace Spiritual Center | Facebook.

Love and Hugs!

PS. I want a new civilization, a new planetary society, and universal peace. And I’m getting it.

PPS. Which reminds me, one day I wrote about that:

I seek no recognition or acknowledgment, fame or fortune
I don’t need more security, status, celebrity, money, control or power
Nor clients, students, buyers or readers
If nobody values my work, healing and teaching skills
So what, don’t give a hoot
If nobody finds or reads my books, so what, so be it, who cares.
Because I love doing what I do when the energy comes upon me,
When I feel like it!
Writing, researching, teaching, I do what I love
Gathering people to raise energy with yoga, singing and dancing,
Sharing inspiration and connecting with worldwide friends
My heart, my body is my guide; I hear inner guidance and follow it.
Because most of all what I want is – what I now have!
Love! Freedom. Inner freedom and peace of mind in the awe of WOW! Worlds of Within.
I love my own wonder, love, inner peace and joy
Living in impeccability, utmost sobriety and ultimate ecstasy,
And staring down the negative – yep, the ultimate alchemy.
Facing into Death or dying,
I love my own inner Fearless Feminine fierce-and-free warrior-ness.
I practice loving by cultivating Being the Love that I already Am.
I practice on myself and my partner, whom I adore through all eternity
Master musician chanter, bard of all bards, voice like an angel, Antion,
44 years married we are making it together,
Feeling our guts in our body and listening to them;
Hearing our Heart speak, and following it;
Setting our sails to Truth,
The wind at our back to Honesty,
Our hearts to the Sacred,
And our Voice to our Feelings.
Self-determined and forever free,
I love my own vision that includes YOU
The WOW! Worlds Of Wisdom,
The WOW! Weaving Our Worldwideweb Wisdom
Together birthing The New Civilization.

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Founder, Director Online Elandra Health Healing Program,
Lomi Chi Holographic Healing

Living Love Kundalini Yoga, Naad Yoga Sacred Voice & Chant,
Sound Celebration…

“There are no structures that cannot be superseded and rearranged by love”
Glenda Green, Love Without End, Jesus Speaks