Contact us: Call 09 947 0404, email
Yoga lovers and friends, we are back in NZ and eager to see you at our beloved Kawaipurapura, back
“home” in Prema room on Tuesdays!
Antion’s Transformational Live Hawaiian music and Inspirational Kirtan
Antion & Elandra’s 6 week course is rich in tools, techniques and tips for joyous living and loving in our new paradigm.

The practices – movement, mantra, meditation, chant and breathing – create:

  • A wakeup call into every cell in your body
  • Every organ and muscle feeling its own deliciousness
  • Experiencing your natural multidimensional state
  • Reinventing and re-empowering yourself
  • Boosting your self-healing & self-worth into super health
  • Group consciousness cocreation in nurturing, supportive community

Some comments from participants:
I’m impressed with the quality of their yoga – the power and energy flow I experienced doing the hatha postures combined with the breath is very unique…I am captivated by their deep knowledge and mastery of Naad Yoga, the Yoga of Chanting and Sacred Voice… Haven’t felt this relaxed in a long time… These guys are really authentic, not a job  but the way they live their life… Inspiring me to return to my daily practice…Today feeling terrible, after the class an incredible difference! …The sound produced through everyone chanting that one sacred sound took me to another realm and really energized me… Loved feeling my energy shifting and igniting, eager for more…Removed many energetic hooks from my body that I didn’t even know were there…Surprised that it was just the healing that I so needed… No more back and neck pain…No more high blood pressure….Knees better…Chronic pain disappeared …Tension and  tightness  gone… Wonderful, gentle energy, lovely music, delightful teachers…So refreshing…So much wisdom…Like an internal shower…Life-changing…
More info and guidelines:
Antion and Elandra’s Kundalini Yoga is unique and different from most yoga classes – It’s about increasing the power of Love!
Antion’s live music with guitar, chant, and heartfelt Hawaiian singing creates a joyous vibration throughout. The opening talk sets the tone for holistic conscious living in the context of the global energy of the times.
Each class is different according to the personal needs of the participants. All exercises promote heart-head balance and self-healing power.  The focus is primarily on moving your inner energy on all levels by activating and raising prana and chi through the chakras, organs and meridians.

Circle sharing with Q &A and hugging time promotes a powerfully supportive group consciousness for the new paradigm New Earth. Mostly exercises are done lying or seated on the floor (soft wool carpet). Eyes are mostly closed to enhance and maximize deeper absorption into the cells and mind.

Your water bottle. A towel or comfortable soft mat (sticky mat not needed) to lie on, and something to cover yourself during deep relaxation. Natural fiber (cotton, wool, rayon, silk) is best for your electromagnetic field. If you forget, no worries.
Dates: 6.00pm – 7.30pm on Tuesdays beginning   4th February till March 11th  2014
Location: Kawai Pura Pura in Albany, see for directions
Cost: 6 classes $60, or $15 each. Kawaipurapura residents $5
Antion & Elandra Meredith are internationally known healers, teachers of teachers, directors of European and Californian Kundalini Yoga Centres, with four decades of experience facilitating Healing and Yoga Trainings and Retreats worldwide.
Books and CDs
From Stardom to Wisdom: Healing and Love beyond the Spotlight
Meditations for Harmonious Communication in Relationship
 CDs Hawaiian and Kirtan
Contact us: Call 09 947 0404, email and visit &

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