WOW! Walking Our Wisdom Summit & Celebration is the first of a series of international co-created gatherings by the worldwide transformational community and movement.

The purpose is to translate our collective, shared wisdom into powerful action and interaction, thus creating a sustainable life, culture and joyous future through  the challenges of 2012 and beyond.

We are a cooperative of ‘cultural creatives’ and ‘wisdom walkers’ who have  decades of valuable experience in  sacred activism.   Recognizing that collaboration  is the key to success we are gathering with  Gary Cook & Michael Fleck of Sacred Journeys, Daring Donna of Magic Land, Peter Harris of Wizard of Eutopia, Dr. Robin Kelly (Medical Doctor and creator of musical ‘Shamanarama’), Michael Bradford (world renowned psychic healer of UK/USA), Antion of Sacred Sound  and many more…

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