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Chi Holographic Healing Sessions Elandra K. Meredith, CMT, LMT, BA: healer, medical intuitive, author, minister, yogi, spiritual consultant, has over twenty five years experience as professional multimodality practitioner in five Healing Centers, and is founder and international trainer of Lomi Chi Holographic Healing, Holographic Fifth Chakra Healing, Yoga and Goddess Embodies Retreats.
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Lomi Chi Holographic Healing was developed by Elandra in the course of thirty- five years of Healing Arts study and multimodality professional practice in five Healing Centers, and thirteen years of living in Hawaii practicing the healing teachings.
Our Western civilization’s healing model of allopathic medicine as health maintenance is a failure and a farce. Recent reports confirm that drugs and surgery are now the leading cause (not third or second cause!) of death in USA. Our populace is drugged by pharmaceuticals, advertising, TV violence and addictive craving for more and more.
Feeling more “at home” in your body, closer to your true self. A new consciousness of your body and its messages. A restructured consciousness of inner self authority and trust. A new inner knowing. A loving of your own body. A sense of a new lease on life, a new understanding, a lightening, deep peace, sense of inner knowing, of being in the right place at the right time. Release, relief, sense of new horizons, destiny, inner empowerment. Tears, tingling, rushes of warm energy. Sometimes your physical problems instantly, -and most significantly, - permanently healed.
The body has its own self healing system. It knows how to hold you in balance, how to heal you. It knows. We want to uncover its Knowing. Thus we prune off, like in pruning a tree, that which thinks and believes it does not know. The tree knows how it wants to be pruned. When the gardener is “tuned in” the tree directs the gardener from within. In the same way, your body knows how it needs pruning, and directs the healer from within. Thus we wield the pruning shears together, exquisitely skillfully, artfully, releasing the specific beliefs that no longer serve you. As the organs are cleared, (through oki) they know how to install new energies and beliefs that do! Thus the real you is being uncovered, the real you that has been hidden by what you took on from or for others in the course of society’s conditioning and beliefs.
To honor your own. Therefore do write out your intention for your session, and bring it with you, and keep it close to you for several weeks. To understand that in the honoring and welcoming of that which is, the presenting symptomology is healed at its origins. Welcoming means actively, proactively accepting and receiving what is... It is not easy to “welcome” pain, illness, discomfort, dying, and fear. To give time to listen to the messages from your body...We are talking of a paradigm shift that involves a lot of letting go, unlearning, support, training, and retraining!
It is for you if you have any physical challenges, areas in your life you would like to have work better, in health or relationship. It is for you if you want more energy, focus and success in your life. It is for you if you feel that a state of forgiveness for yourself and others, Ho’oponopono, is needed. It is for you if you feel like you are carrying too much responsibility for saving others and the world. In this case, your internalized parental lineage and beliefs are calling for release, in order to make space for your own Kuleana, life path and energy.
It is preferable to come to a session in a state of mental openness and willingness to change. Ha’aha’a, Humility, means willingness to let go, to change, to allow the outcome to be different from expectation, and is valued in Hawaii as a healing prerequisite. It a state of mind that includes the input of all parts of the consciousness, especially the subconscious, the Ku.
It is recommended to be prepared to rest for several hours afterwards to integrate the work. You may feel highly energized or possibly even deeply exhausted afterwards. Try not to take stimulants, but allow the true state of your body to be experienced, welcomed and honored. Investment is generally $145 with subsequent sessions being $135 or “Whatever feels right for you.”*
*“Whatever feels right for you” is a statement suggesting it could be less according to your pocketbook, or more according to your sense of results. In the Hawaiian Indigenous way, there is a choice of exchange that is up to your own trusted sensing. Wonderful and Sometimes Miraculous Healing Experiences with Elandra "Elandra's work is very powerful" - Louise Hay, renowned author and healer. I came to you suffering from so much pain in my back that I was bent over and nauseous. A half hour later I was totally pain free and feeling ecstatic. When you were working on my foot, suddenly I felt as if something were leaving my body. I was amazed to find the hip pain I had endured for six months had disappeared. What a relief! Thanks. My travels take me to healing centers throughout the world where I enjoy all kinds of energy healing and bodywork. Yours is the best I have experienced! I refer people to Elandra with complete trust as they always report that the session was amazing! She has access to the higher mind and taps into the deep intuitive realms with utmost integrity and honoring, and is also a leader and model of these qualities. She has a high reputation on Kauai! Elandra, you are the epitome of a medicine woman. Your approach to healing and massage incorporates a depth of wisdom, experience, and intuition that I have never experienced before. Wow! I hit the jackpot! I was so impressed with Elandra's work I invited her to come to California, promoted her, and everybody there loved it, and still so grateful! I never even met Elandra, I just knew! I invited her to California to teach, it was wonderful for all involved! I am a healer and psychic descended from a family of kahuna and healers. Your most beautiful massage was coming from a true place, from inside you. When you were working on me I saw you as a Hawaiian woman, your opu (abdominal) work very Hawaiian, as is rarely done these days. Your presence and movements were flowing, you were simultaneously there and not there, and you had very high energies and beings working with you, and through you. Although you are from Denmark & New Zealand I saw you as Hawaiian, you were so grounded and present with your mana (spiritual radiance) and breath. I could see you having a Healing School because you have a special gift that can be shared and learned! Your work is extraordinarily transformational and I'm deeply touched. I felt I was being embraced by Divine Mother.....incredible... What a dramatic miracle! In a half hour, I released 10 years of emotional baggage! I was completely immobile with pain all day, unable to move or walk. You touched me with so much compassion and presence, and spoke to me so lovingly, I was able to go back in time and release 10 years of repressed rage and frustration! And then get up and move, pain free, like a new free person! I'm a Medical Doctor in New York who decided I wanted the best massage to be found in Kaua'i...you have a great reputation! I went to some trouble to find you and I'm so glad I did! Exquisite connection! I've had countless massages, Elandra, and I've never before thought to myself, "That was special". I feel light as a feather right now - spiritually and physically. I'll leave Kaua'i and return to my hectic life with new thoughts and practices. Thank you for a wonderful experience that will keep on giving. I felt 10 years younger! and I was still experiencing healing, your incredible healing energy for 4 days afterwards! The best I've ever had, Elandra! Such good medicine you brought to me today. I am grateful that my spirit guided me to you. Bringing together the healing of mind/heart, body and spirit - I've experienced this now and have inspiration to continue my own healing journey and help others on that path. I am grateful to have met you, a wise and beautiful guide and great model for me. Blessings to you on your path and may we meet again. In your Women's classes you create something wonderful that's very hard to find - safety-a tremendously safe place to be me. I've been looking for that for a long time, and I'm so grateful I can't begin to tell you....Mariah, Kaua'i Thank you so much for the wonderful work we did together...the Chi Nei Tsang workshop was great and my two hypnotherapy- massage sessions were...extraordinary!! I wish I could find someone like you here to work with. Lenore, FL I've done 25 years of workshops and healing study and I am amazed by the way I feel after this Internal Organ Massage workshop, so peaceful, so grounded, and so content. We hold so much emotion, and this is the key to really transforming it. I am truly inspired to be able to integrate this with my other work. Karuna, Kauai This method of bodywork, Chi Nei Tsang, is an extremely effective combination of spiritual, emotional and physical application. Dave, Kauai I'm a mime artist and this Workshop is so amazing - core issues are in the core! It goes immediately to the core, where the realizations of emotions are -and where I feel that's where they are in my performance. Janet NY I appreciated working with the affirmations for the specific organs. It's really an eye-opener to be able to relate emotions to specific places in the body. As we find the true source of the true emotions, I 'm feeling that behind each is more truth.....Mary, Kauai Elandra and Antion, it is a blessing to be in your presence. Osi, CA Your blending of Kundalini Yoga with Tao is awesome....I love your blending and integration of wisdom...Mira Thank you so much for sharing your yoga, massage and Reiki work with me. I feel so fortunate to have met you. You are a wonderful teacher and healer and very inspiring. Carla, CA Both you and Antion are very special people and we're grateful to have met you. ..the massages were wonderful for both of us and your yoga on the beach couldn't get any better! I loved the deep relaxation, totally drifting away to the sound of the ocean, the heat of the sun on my body. I feel cleansed and reconnected to my power. Thank you for one of the most powerful and expansive healing experiences I've ever had. Michelle, Imperial Beach, Ca. That was absolutely fabulous! I feel like a new woman! Totally empowered. Mary, Vancouver Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love how we connected. I'm feeling very high, I am feeling so open to earth and the creative energy within and around me....My voice is heard and I will speak my truth for evermore ...I send a lot of love back to you, Elandra. Thank you! Susan, Minnesota Thank you so much for all the information and balance. I will be back! Darlene, Florida Most deepening awakening massage imaginable. Thank you! Debra, NY I am a channel and healer, highly intuitive, and I wasn't expecting this high level of presence and healing. Healers don't often meet/match me where I am. Thank you for your healing hands and heart. I felt your divine inspiration flow through you, what an experience, mystical, magical, marvelous! Marilyn, Ca. What a privilege to have you work on me! You are love and light! Pat, FL Your place feels like home to me and I felt a wonderful connection to you and thoroughly enjoyed my session. It was all I had hoped for and then some. Sharon, Canada Thank you so much for your help in letting 'me' feel 'me' -the answers were within and you offered the freedom for them to come out. The confidence that flows from being 'connected' has been restored, and now I am ready to face my next challenges! Thank you! Allen, San Francisco What a beautiful Hawaiian experience! John, Kauai' I'm back in Kauai looking for more of your miracle work! I want you to know that I've had no back pain at all since your session 1 year ago. On your table that day I broke through a core belief about my unworthiness. In addition, my financial life has taken off! Hans, CA My experience of your work is that your healing starts where others leave off! Bob, CA Your bodywork is exceptional. I feel like I'm in the presence of a great musician! Carla, CA I was feeling very down, upset and irritated with a lot of things until you touched me! The physical healing and the emotional lift was more than I could have imagined! And then I met Antion and danced hula to his guitar and song -I'll cherish that moment forever. I felt like the luckiest girl alive that day, I realized I had so much to be grateful for.....thanks for reminding me. June, Japan I just wanted to drop you a note to tell you how very wonderful the lomi lomi massage you gave me was! The pain in my foot has completely disappeared and also the pain in my lowerabdomen/groin. My knees are much better. I feel on a visceral, emotional and etheric level that some major work was accomplished during that massage! A very fine collaboration between the two of us, very deep. A subtle yet substantial shift in my energy, which feels permanent. Ellen, Hawaii Big Island I was outside the Children's Center bent over and nauseous with pain from a surfing accident when Andi sent me to see you.....10 minutes later total relief! 5 more and I was in bliss! As a Medical doctor I particularly appreciate this experience! Frank, San Francisco Much healing and love flows out of you into my body and mind. Sometimes it becomes so beautiful that tears well up in my eyes. When the massage is over and you let me linger for a while under your blessings it is almost as if I experience that now I can make it on my own. Unfortunately, although this sense of wellbeing may stay for a day or so, it then starts to fade away. I'm also beginning to realize that I have to unlearn 75 years of life. This sometimes fills me with a sense of hopelessness, and sometimes with inspiration - maybe I am now starting a whole new life! I feel like a whole new person! I feel spiritualized! Kim, Kaua'i My neck is just releasing like crazy! and I feel like I have little pillows under my feet! Many blessings, Mahalo! Carol, N.Y. Wow! All thoughts of needing, wanting, desiring, not having enough....have gone. I am once again in the place of stillness, not knowing, in the moment. MY body feels soft with energy flowing and I am aware that I am more than I think I am...I am aware of the power of healing. Thank you. Jim, WA My appreciation for E's work is such athat I am always sending people and they have highly transformational experiences. Sandhya In February of this year I decided to travel to Kauai for a week to seek relief in the warmth and seawater of that paradisical place for my aching shoulders. I have what is known as "frozen shoulder", a painful inflammation of the capsule encasing the shoulder joint. Sleeping in my small tent at night was proving to be more painful than I had anticipated. After one particularly sleepless night, I drove into Hanalei and was enjoying an early morning chai on the porch of a local coffeehouse when I came across a colorful brochure on the bulletin board with a picture of a blonde woman on the front page wearing a lei and a radiant smile. Above the picture the text intriguingly specified "Lomi Lomi", a Hawaiian "ancient healing art", of which I knew nothing about. The brochure had testimonials inside, attesting to the power and grace of this healer named Elandra. Something in me said, "Yes. Call this woman Elandra. Now." I called her- she answered, and I knew immediately by the tone of her voice that she was the real thing. We made an appointment. I arrived at Elandra's home soon after a powerful afternoon rainstorm, the intensity of which I had never before experienced. I was a little worn out by the activities of the day and my sleepless night, and dozed briefly while sitting on the sofa with a beautiful white cat curled up on my lap as I waited for my session with Elandra. Once I was lying prone on her massage table, she began the session with a Hawaiian chanted prayer- beautiful to listen to and clear in its intention. As she began to massage my feet, she invited me to share whatever came up. I found myself talking easily to her about very personal and difficult subjects. As I began to open further, I felt from her a total acceptance of me and my predicaments, and a new sense of unconditional loving kindness which I had never experienced from anyone before. Soon I was overcome with emotion, and felt waves of grief and old accumulated anger flow out of my body as I sobbed without shame. Elandra tended to me intently with loving words and hands. The intensity of whatever was happening to me soon manifested in a strange and rather pleasant sensation of intense energy or vibration filling my arms and legs- a kind of second interior "body" inside my normal body. This sensation lasted for what seemed like a half-hour or so. I thought I was at rest, with my arms at my sides, relaxed. But as the energy began to subside, my arms gradually lowered to the table. They had actually been suspended six or so inches above the table! I left that session with no pain at all in my body. My shoulders felt good for the first time in months, and I was able to sleep soundly that night. I saw Elandra a second time before I had to return to Seattle. That session was intense, with lots of abdominal manipulations. I began to sense that Elandra is a true shaman who knows things very few people on the planet know, and also knows how to use her gifts effectively. I really regretted having to leave- she has such a beautiful spirit. One wants to hang out with that beauty, naturally. Seattle was cold and grey. The shoulder pain returned. I really missed the island. But something had shifted for me. In spite of my physical pain, I am much more at ease now. My outlook is greatly improved. I feel better in my life now than at any other time I can remember. And my shoulders are steadily improving. I am indebted to Elandra for opening up the way- gracefully, lovingly, and generously. |