Thailand Retreats


Healing Yoga Chant Week-long Retreat Chiang Mai Thailand
Date:  To be announced

Learn, heal, be renewed with Elandra’s Heal Yourself HealthHealing Program
Antion’s Inner Selves Healing System
Beyond Kundalini  Yoga
Sound Healing Sacred Voice & Chant

Delight in evenings of luscious all organic grown-&-cooked-with-love tropical food, joyous music, singing & dancing.

You will love it all and the cost is surprisingly affordable. Make time before and after to explore…  It is a most gorgeous place, with beautiful yoga space and view over far distant mountains.

There is so much more to say… soon all details will be up… and videos showing more of this glorious place.

LOVE guides me to organize this Retreat in 2012. There will be more info coming soon, I just want you to know right away, as soon as possible to start planning… I will be sharing much  more, about how a break from western culture and immersion in a spiritual culture is an extraordinary life changing experience, how relaxed, soft and loving it feels there…and also how you can take care of dental or health needs at a fraction of the price in the western world, while being treated like royalty and divinity!

So I invite you, my friends and beloveds, to come from wherever you are in the world…to join us in this beautiful tropical Health Spa and organic gardens…near 400 carved golden shiny chanting temples, interact with nature, tigers and elephants …and experience myriad more joys…
See you soon for this health-giving joy-filled LOVE-filled learning experience/ celebration in the magnificent location at

Ever Great Love and Blessings, Elandra

“There are no structures that cannot be superseded and rearranged by love.”
Love Without End Jesus Speaks – Glenda Green