We have just finished a wonderful weekend at “Voices of Sacred Earth”.  Antion’s presentation “Sacred Voice for a Sacred Earth” was so enthusiastically received that Antion is inspired to permanently include Sacred Voice as a half hour focus during Tuesdays Kundalini Yoga classes.
Each class will include elements of the workshop as described below:
Sacred Voice for a Sacred Earth – Healing Sound Meditations for personal & planetary evolution & transformation
Your Sacred Voice is the voice of your soul’s purpose. Sacred Voice Chanting is – as in ancient times – a call, a sacred offering, opening portals into dimensions of truth, healing and transformation.
We all had ancestors who were tapped  into the primal source of power, the  Kundalini feminine-nurturing-loving nature-based  Yin energy of Goddess Mother Earth, which once was predominant on our planet and is now being reinstated.
The sacred sounds of chants, words, and songs sounding through you, open a doorway  into unknown aspects of yourself where you can navigate to rearrange realities, heal, and evolve.
Allowing breath and sound to move through you until you feel one with the sound, until the sound sounds you, is the secret to empowering your health and life holographically.
Sacred Voice Chanting of sacred Oli (Hawaiian chant), and mantras with mudras is an advanced spiritual discipline that engenders ecstatic consciousness.
Look forward to seeing you!
Antion, ‘60s rock star, sound healer, multicultural musician, world-class guitarist, singer, recording artist, Hawaiian chanter, master of sacred Sikh Kirtan, international teacher of Naad Yoga, Sacred Voice and Vocal Empowerment,  teaches and performs his spiritual Goddess music and chants of love and peace in the Hawaiian Islands, USA and internationally.
For details of Antion’s  workshops or sessions  see www.healthhealing.org, www.antionmusic.com,